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  • 執筆者の写真キセキ遺留品返還プロジェクト

Let War Memorabilia Come Home. Our mission is to make it happen


If you have Japanese memorabilia from World War II and wish to return it to the original owner or to the owner's family in Japan, please send us a photo, description, and if available a history of the item.

We will then post the item on this website. Please be sure to include with the photo any clues that may help identify the original owner. Letters, characters, or numbers included on the photo will be helpful even if not legible. Additional identifying information should be sent separately if it cannot be shown in the picture or is not clear enough.

We are aware that these items are of considerable value to you and may be priceless to your family.

However, out of respect for the original owners and their families, please be reasonable with your requests for reimbursement.

Let us know if we can be of any assistance to ensure success of your efforts. Please also recognize that this website and our objectives are non-profit, strictly humanitarian, and there is no cost to you for the service.

Provide your contact information so that we can keep you informed of our progress and notify you if and when the recipient is located.

Upon receipt of photo(s), any additional item identification or history, along with your contact information, we will begin helping to facilitate the return of the memorabilia to the owner or the owner's family. Feel free to send us your comments, questions or suggestions so that this website can be an effective and satisfactory service to you and the families involved. Thank you for your kind consideration! Go to past and current listing of war memorabilia



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